16 Free Large File Sending Services

Large File TransferFinding free sources to send large files with really fast transfer rate is so difficult. Most are not free to transfer large documents, they do force you to become a member and the transfer rate is so slow for sending one file, also going through ads is painful. We have the solution for you tension, In this article we have collected some decent list of online services for sending and receiving large files with high transfer rate and less stressing for you. You can share your experiences with this blog readers of sending large files online if you have used others services that we haven’t mentioned in the article, enjoy the post!



Allows us to send large files ( up to as many as 5 GB ) in a very simple and without registration .



2Big2Send can send large files bypassing latency imposed by e-mail providers.



Offers you up to 500MB to share a single file, no registration required.



ADrive.com is leading data storage services, offering the largest free storage space.



Free web service that allows you to send large files, no registration required.

Windows Live SkyDrive


Windows Live SkyDrive works well on any Windows or Macintosh computer with Firefox 1.5 or higher, or Internet Explorer 6 or higher. 5 GB free online storage, available from any computer with Internet access.



Another great service that lets you send files up to 2Gb. Free and no registration, just enter the e-mail and select the files.

Share Send

Share Send is very simple and easy to use. No registration is required. Just load the file and get a URL.



Upload multiples up to a maximum of 1GB (for free accounts). The uploaded files are stored in the profile of ‘user, together with the link to download, Registration is free and is not required.


Oosah is simple and attractive. All your digital content from one place on the Web where you can store and manage photos, videos, and music.



Allows you to send more large files then your Email Service provider.


GigaSize is a free online service hosting the files.


FileBanker provides a fast transmission of large files without spam. It forces you to create your account payable.

file ai

File ai is a free website that allows users to transfer large documents quickly and safely. Files are encrypted and sent directly, peer-to-peer through the Web browser.


DropSend – Send large files easily, quickly and safely.


Badongo provides users with links to files that can be sent by e-mail or instant messenger for viewing or download.

One thought on “16 Free Large File Sending Services

  1. With most tools it is pain in the bu** to transfer big files over the internet. One of my fav tools to transfer big files is Binfer. The most I like about it is the auto resume of interrupted transfers.

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