25+ Amazing and Beautiful Eid Prayers, Celebration Photos

Eid is the biggest Islamic Festival for Muslim’s, it is celebrated twice a year, first after Ramadan Sharif Eid Ul Fitr and after Hajj in Mecca Eid Ul Adha. On both Eid days Muslim’s combine together in their near Mosques and do Eid Prayers and after they worship to God for this beautiful blessing Eid Mubarak…

25+ Best Eid Ul Adha Facebook Cover Photos 2015

Eid Ul Adha(The Feast Of Sacrifice) is the second annual festival that all the Muslims around the world celebrate after Eid Ul Fitr, On these Religious Holiday’s Muslims worship Allah, Eid Al Adha is celebrated after Muslims make annual Hajj. Eid-Ul-Adha is a joyful day for all, it is a day of Sacrifice(Kurbani) of Animals such…