Everyone wants to see the celebrities in their own way, an artist who is skillful to convey his emotions can draw cartoon to show most characteristic features in a humorous way and for the entertainment of people, mostly artists draw paintings of the famous personalities or the fictional characters for creativity.
To see the humor in the sketch by drawing fabulous caricatures of famous celebrities to entertain and put smile on the faces is the vision for these artists as we have collected caricatures of famous Hollywood celebrities, Hoping that you will be entertained and they will raise your spirits!
Angelina Jolie
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Ashton Kutcher
Brad Pitt
Bruce Willis
Cameron Diaz
Halle Berry
Harrison Ford
Hugh Jackman
Jennifer Aniston
Jim Carrey
Johnny Depp
Julia Roberts
Keanu Reeves
Keira Knightley
Leonardo DiCaprio
Marilyn Monroe
Morgan Freeman
Nicole Kidman
Sandra Bullock
Salma Hayek
Sylvester Stallone
Tom Cruise
Vin Diesel
Will Smith
Nicolas Cage
Cartoons are the sincerest form of flattery an artist can pay a celebrity. Well done all!
Hi I really want to say that the cartoons are great but not all of them can be seen so yeah I would rate this a 4.5 star rating but overall great.