Make-Up Art has been changing with time rapidly, ladies are mostly blamed for ugly eyelashes make-up and the reason for it is incorrect use of technique for applying make-up. Make-Up artists always coming with their original techniques and unique ideas are popular all around the world.
A German Make-Up Artist Svenja Schmitt also known as PixieCold on the net has been figured for her amazingly beautiful Eye Make-Up Art, Creating her identity using her make-up tools mixing contact lenses, flowers, feathers, sea stars, snails and more beautifully. Her original idea has inspired many and is more dominant on the net these days, Enjoy her beautiful eye make-up!
Tinkerbell-Disney series
The world needs rain
The octopus
The Mockingjay
stroke me
Steampunk Dragon
Sleeping Beauty
Pocahontas-Disney series
Paradise Fish
paper flower
Out of dark
Me on work
Legend of Korra – Firebender
I thought he loves me
Hunger Games District 12
Hunger Games District 11
Hunger Games District 4
Fly in my eye
Dead Doll Make-up
Death by Candy
Dead Doll Make up + Speedtutorial
Crazy Rainbow Make up + Tutorial
Crazy Peacock
Crazy Artist Make Up
baby snail
Beautiful autumn
After hunt
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