18 Scariest Character Freddy Krueger Tattoo Design Ideas

To the 90’s kids this name isn’t a new one but for the later gen Z, it might be the first one they hear of it. Freddy Krueger, is the serial killer from a famous horror film, Nightmare on the Elm Street that was released in 1968. This character was burnt alive by the villagers who returns to haunt and kill them for revenge. This character gained so much popularity that people started getting Freddy Krueger tattoo on their bodies.

As gruesome as it looks, Freddy Krueger has been around for a long time and anyone from the older generation will know all about it. But the tattoos of this hideous but very likable character carry a different significance. They are cool and scary and just one of the killer looking tattoo ideas that people would enjoy getting inked. Here are some inspirations for Freddy Krueger Tattoos that you will like: 

freddy krueger movie portrait tattoo design

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Freddy Krueger tattoo picture

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3D Freddy Krueger tattoo design

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Freddy Krueger glove tattoo design

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Freddy Krueger Nightmare on Elm St Tattoo Design

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never sleep again Freddy Krueger tattoo design

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Freddy Krueger minimal outline tattoo design

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realistic Freddy Krueger tattoo design

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Freddy Krueger glove with neo-traditional rose tattoo design

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illustrated Freddy vs Jason tattoo design on the leg

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Freddy Krueger bloody ink background tattoo picture

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realistic Freddy Krueger tattoo design

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Freddy Krueger tattoo sketch

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never sleep again bloody glove Freddy Krueger tattoo design

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traditional rose with bloody Freddy Krueger claw tattoo idea for females

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Freddy Krueger portrait tattoo design on side stomach

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Nightmare on elm street Horror movie Freddy Krueger portrait tattoo design

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3-D color bursting Freddy Krueger tattoo from Nightmare on Elm street

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