Creating attractive designs and patterns on human body parts have been a tradition since long ago, even in Stone Age periods. Tattoo is a type of body modification that creates an attractive urge for others. The engraved art and letters on the skin using the ineradicable inks safe for the skin are made on different body parts.
The ink is injected into the upper dermis layer of the skin which get absorbed in it and a permanent pattern appears as desired in the shape of a tattoo. These tattoos may last for a lifetime period or depending upon their ink quality may become dim in few years.
Latin is indeed one of the earliest Romance languages used to express love, and lust in literature all over the globe. Latin quoted tattoos are popular all over the world due to these two major factors. Firstly it is not a common language like English and it is not used by the majority of nations across the globe, thus it lends a cloud of mystery about what that tattoo means. Second major factor is that this language is exquisite when inscribed on skin with different fonts, styles and verily looks attractive.
Following are some of the very famous Latin quotes used for tattoos…
1. Alis grave nil (or alis grave nihil)
The quote mentioned above contains a clear message for those who believe in their own skills and hard work. It means (nothing is heavy to those who have wings). People who have firm determination and belief that they can achieve their dreams and fulfill their desires by utilizing their skills and continuous hard work. Such tattoos depict the person to be eager to succeed by hard work and passion. This Latin quote is best suited for a person who believes that yes I am the designer of my own future and I’ve got the guts to do what I dream for.
2. Alis volat propriis (or alis propriis ea volat)
This quote is one of the finest messages to others by the person having it engraved on skin that I’m legible to do what so ever I want to and I don’t even require a slight help from others. It means (he/she flies by his/her own wings (or she flies with/by/on her own wings). The quote clearly depicts the message that the person is eager to be self-made and loves to face all hard times on his/her own without help from others. This quote best suits to people who believe they are their own destiny makers.
3. Audax at fidelis
The quote contains a secret message for the personality of person having it on body in shape of tattoo. It means (bold but faithful). Being bold against all odds and people surrounding you may appear a bit bad but being faithful in your words, behavior, actions and your self is all what matters the most .Having this tattoo on one’s body shows the courage to be bold but truly honest and faithful at the same time.
4. Auribus teneo lupum
The quote turn out to mean that (I hold the wolf by the ears) (like holding a tiger by the tail; I am in danger but will not give up, I face danger head-on). This tattoo quote depicts your valor and courage to face hardships, cross the hurdles of life all with a very strong determination and a hope to win over all odds. Having this inscribed on your body truly shows your sense of firm determination and rigidity in what you plan to achieve no matter whatever it costs, your blood or your sweat.
5. Faber est quisque fortunae suae
This Latin quotes means (every man is the artisan/architect of his own fortune). IN this world of diverse interests and affiliations one has to build his/her own self fame and place to be identified and distinguished out from the crowd of ordinary people. Every person is the artisan of his own destiny marks the concept that you are the developer of your future, you decide what you are going to deserve in this world where nobody cares for you.
6. In omnia paratus
People who are open to all challenges and tasks in any situation believe that they can do whatever they want. This quote means (Ready for anything or prepared for everything).
7. Vestis virum reddit
The people who are fond of spectacular dressings and fashionable suiting get these tattoos on their skins that means (“The cloth makes the man.”)
8. Carpe noctem
This Latin quote on your skin gives the message that you believe to seize the night (as opposed to carpe diem, seize the day)
9. Castigat ridendo mores
It means (one way to change the rules is by pointing out how silly they are). This Latin quote gives a message to others that some rules are meant to be not suitable for all and to modify them a trick is to make their fun off.
10. Cogito ergo sum
People who believe that yes they are their destiny creators and know that their progress means their existence is useful have these on their skin. It means (I think therefore I am, or I am thinking, therefore I exist).
11. Credo quia absurdum est
Latin tattoo on your body means that you believe its absurd indeed, it means (I believe it because it is absurd (sometimes used mockingly).
12. Dum vita est, spes est
This Latin quote as a tattoo on your body gives other a message that where there is life, there is hope (or while life is, hope is).
13. Esse quam videri (or videri quam esse)
This Latin best quote means that (to be, rather than seem to be), one should be genuine in all aspects of life to defend what he/she claims about himself.
14. Ex nihilo nihil fit
This tattoo on your body show that you believe in actions not in words. It means (nothing comes from nothing)
15. Felix culpa
This is one of the most known Latin quote that means (a happy fault, an apparent mistake or disaster that ends up with a happy ending). It depicts that the person having it engraved on body has recovered from a loss that turns out to be fruitful afterwards.
16. Luceat lux vestra
This Latin quote means (let your light shine, or shine your light) , that spread what you have to serve others.
17. Luctor et emergo
Quote on skin of a person means (I struggle and emerge or I wrestle and I win), that shows the inspiration of a personality to succeed on his/her own.
18. Nil desperandum
One of the most motivating Latin quote that carries the message for all who think they have lost something precious to their lives, this means (we never despair).
19. Non ducor duco
This quote is for the people who want to give a message to others that they have no genes for being ruled rather they know how to rule.. It means (I am not led; I lead).
20. Veni Vidi Vici
This quote means (I came, I saw, I conquered). For the people who believe that they can achieve what they desire, no matter what at is or at what stake it is, this tattoo shows this thought.