Christmas is an event on which you appreciate the presence of the relations that God blessed you with and when the love of your life isn’t around on Christmas then the Christmas feels incomplete. So when your partner is not with you at Christmas you feel sad and whenever any human being is feeling sad the way to express their feelings is different for different people some like to pen down those feelings and when it comes to the type of people who like to pen down their feelings there are some who like to just express their feeling by writing a paragraph or some like to write a poem so that they could share this feeling of missing their partner on Christmas with their partner.
Then they write poems like missing you at Christmas in which they tell them that whatever they are doing they are missing them in every bit. Some people like to use some deep meaning word or some people like to go easy on that vocabulary.
So we are saving your time which you are going to spend writing a poem-quote or the time you are going to spend finding a perfect poem-quote to express your feeling of missing your partner at Christmas. Here are best poems and quotes for you to send to your partner so that you can tell them how much you are missing them on Christmas, we hope these poems and quotes will help you find the perfect poem or quote you want to send to your partner to tell them how much do you miss them on Christmas 2024.
Every day without you, since you had to go, Is like summer without sunshine and winter without snow. I wish that I could talk to you, there’s so much I would say, life has changed so very much since you went away. I miss the bond between us and I miss your kind support, You’re in my mind & in my heart and every Christmas thought. I’ll always feel you close to me and though you’re far from sight, I’ll search for you among the stars that shine on Christmas night.

You are missed at Christmas and each and every day, for you were someone special, who meant more than words can say.

No matter the distance, my love travels to reach you. In my heart you are here, this is to say i miss you dearly, Merry Christmas!

Tonight i will dress up and look very pretty for you, I want you to look at me and feel glad to be my boyfriend. I want us to hold hands and wish each other a merry Christmas with a kiss.

Although it’s sad to reminisce on Christmases we knew, this year I shall celebrate in memory of you. I’ll put aside my sorrow with every unshed tear, and concentrate on all the joy we shared when you were here. Our time together taught me what Christmas time is for, and that’s what I’ll remember until we meet once more.

With all the celebrations and Christmas drawing near, what a lovely time we’d have if only you were here. We’d spend so many happy hours the way we did before, Christmas is for loved ones and I couldn’t miss you more. When I wake on Christmas Day, I’ll look to Heaven above, and I’ll remember every smile and think of you with love.