Muslims prayer in mosque’s starts from the beginning of the day at dawn which is called Fajr Namaz(prayers), in noon Zuhr, in Evening Asr, at dusk Maghrib and at the end of the day at night the last Salaat(Isha) is performed, in total everyday Muslim prayer(Namaz) five times. It is a devotion that every Muslim men-women or child has to show for Allah, the faith(Eman) of a person on Allah becomes solid by performing prayer(Namaz) 5 times daily.
The other big days for performing Salat are Friday Prayers known as Jumma Namaz and then there are two other special Islamic days on which Muslim around the world celebrate Eid-Ul-Fitr and Eid-Ul-Adha, both these festive days have a special prayer(Namaz) known as Eid Prayers, each of these days celebration starts after these prayers(Salah) in the holy Mosques(Masajid).
On all these events-occasions or in a day, seeing people performing prayer can make other more inspired to watch, how devoted Muslim’s are to Allah. We have gathered these awesome pictures of Muslims praying on various places not just in Mosque(Masjid) but at every place the time for prayer starts people perform the Namaz at stations, at picnic places or at work, where ever the time for prayer starts- what do Muslim’s do before praying is just a Wuzu to do the prayers, check out these inspiring pictures to get start praying five times a day in Ramazan!~
Also Check Our Earlier Pictures For Prayers on various Muslim Events:
25+ Amazing and Beautiful Eid Prayers, Celebration Photos
Beautiful Ramadan Mubarak Prayers and Iftar Photos